Page by Paige by Laura Lee Gulledge

Bibliographic Information:

Gulledge, Laura Lee. Page by Paige. New York: Amulet Books, 2011.

Plot Description: Paige and her parents have just moved from Virginia to New York City where everything is so new.  With her new sketchbook she wanders around the city, wondering how she’ll make her home there and if she’ll make new friends.  Fortunately it does not take her long before she meets Jules, Longo and Gabe.  With them, Paige finds herself inspired to draw, to share her work and maybe to fall in love.  And she finally discovers that she can let go of all the self doubt and trust her own fun and creative spirit.

Quantitative Reading Level: n/a

Qualitative Reading Analysis: This graphic novel takes the reader on a beautifully illustrated journey through the mind of an artistic young woman.  Her story is in equal parts text and drawing, with many images carrying the depth of meaning of her thoughts and feelings as an introverted teen well beyond words.  Detailed, almost magical imagery makes this story so accessible, and while sentence structure and vocabulary are not difficult for the average middle school reader, the profundity of her experience is well articulated overall.

Content Area: English Language Arts; Art: Drawing.

Content Area Standard(s):

CCSS for Reading Literature, Grade 6:  3) Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution; 6) Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.

Curriculum Suggestions:  I’d recommend this book for independent reading to any adolescent that is a lover of graphic novels or art in general, or perhaps even a reluctant reader.  This story speaks to people who identify with introversion and/or the urge for creative expression.

Supporting Digital Content: Book trailer

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