Who’s Got Spots? by Linda W. Aber

Bibliographic Information:

Aber, Linda W. Who’s Got Spots? New York: Kane Press, 2000. Print.

Plot Description:

Kip is excited about singing with his classmates for the upcoming Autumn Fest at school.  Unfortunately there is an outbreak of chicken pox just when rehearsals are beginning.  Kip learns about the contagious nature of the illness and worries that too many students could get sick before the show.  Knowing that there must be at least seven healthy students for the show to go on, he decides to calculate the likelihood of that.  This book introduces surveying and data collection as well as charting and graphing.

Quantitative Reading Level: GL 2.5, Lexile 250, RL 3.1

Qualitative Reading Analysis: This book is only slightly complex, mathematical content aside.  The story is chronological and clear in its organization and pictures directly support it.  It uses simple language with only one basic level of meaning.

Content Area: English, Reading.  Mathematics: Measurement and Data. Health.

Content Area Standard(s):

CCSS for Mathematics, Grade 1: 4) Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.

Curriculum Suggestions:  This text provides a fun introduction to the topic of Chicken Pox and supports a cross-curricular unit on math and health; the activity would be easily repeatable (although with Chicken Pox no longer being so prevalent since its vaccination, another illness or situation could be substituted).  There is an additional activity to check for understanding with chart reading at the end of the book.

Subjects/Themes: Surveys and Data, Chicken Pox, Health

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